And I'll tell you what, if you show up (and because you've read this blog post), I'll give you a $5 discount on purchasing Fundamental at the concert! Just go to the merch table and tell the girl behind the table the secret password to get your discount. What is the password, you ask? Just say the words "Fine Lines". She'll take care of you.
Oh, yeah. Details for the show:
FRIDAY, JANUARY 21ST, 2011 9:00 PM
Fundamental Record Release Show
Muldoon's Restaurant and Pub
133 W. Front St.
Wheaton, IL 60187
Price: FREE
Description: Come and hang out with Jay for a night of live music from his new record, "Fundamental." CD give-aways, good drinks and music. Also catch a special viewing of Jay's "The Making of Fundamental" documentary between the first and second set. You must be 21 or over to sit at the bar. Minors may request a seat with a view from the dining area.
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